Christina Pierce
クリスティーナ ピアース
Christina Pierce was born in New York and grew up in Seattle, Washington. She graduated from Willamette University with History Major (Emphasis in Japanese History) and French Minor. She studied pedagogy in France and earned TEFL certification in Japan.
ニューヨーク出身、ワシントン州シアトル育ち。ウィラメッテ(Willamette)大学卒業。歴史(日本史)専攻 フランス語副専攻。卒業後はフランスにて教育学を学び、日本にてTEFL を取得する。
Christina has taught English to Japanese students since 1997. She taught for 5 years in Japan at a conversation school, a girls junior high school, and at preschools and kindergartens. Since 2002, she has taught English in America through private and group lessons including ESL camp for Japanese children in the summer. Christina also has provided J/E interpretation services at schools, hospitals and medical offices. She has worked with hundreds of Japanese families in the USA as an ESL tutor, translator and advisor.
Christina is now owner and director of Koby Learning Group, a private school in Novi, Michigan for ESL, world languages, school tutoring and test preparation.
現在はミシガン州ノバイ市にあるESL、外国語、個別指導、テスト準備クラスを提供するKoby Learning Groupの経営者、校長をしております。