In Japan, the only semi-professional family photos are usually taken for children’s school graduation. However, in America, families take group pictures much more often, sometimes every year. They go up in our house or in the church directory or are send to relatives on holiday cards. I think the main reason is because…
it’s cheaper to have it done in America. Some families pay extra money to have a private photo session in their house or outdoors, but JCPenny’s (, Target ( and other similar stores usually have their own photo corner with great deals on professional pictures. Just google “family portrait studios near me.”
アメリカでの撮影料が安いからだと考えられます。家族によっては、追加料金を払って自宅や外で写真を撮ります。しかしJCPenny’sやTargetなどのお店では写真専用のコーナーが併設されており、お値打ちな価格で職人さんに写真を撮ってもらえます。“family portrait studios near me.” と検索してみましょう。
If you take your family for a pic, make sure to print out a coupon and dress your family to match!! As in Japan, you can choose the best pictures soon after the session, you pay then, and they are sent to your house or you can pick them up at the studio.
Enjoy your pictures!!