Children’s Apron Strings – 子どもたちの英語を理解する : Understanding Children’s English
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English, Mom's Apron Strings
Have you ever volunteered at your child’s school in America, or talked with your friend’s children? Were you able to understand and reply? Here are some phrases that children often use that might help you with your conversation with them next time.
Kuri-chan English – 秋のアクティビティーと語彙 : Fall Activities and Vocab
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Kuri-chan English
Fall season is here! What a great time of the year to enjoy the changing seasons, beautiful colors, and seasonal foods. There are several vocabulary and phrases important for this time of year that you should learn: apple picking, leaf raking, autumnal equinox, and fall foliage. Let me explain them in a little more detail and how to avoid common Japanese mistakes.
秋になりました!季節の変わり目や綺麗な色の変化、季節の食べ物を楽しめる絶好な時期です。この時期に知っておきたい大切な語彙やフレーズがあります:apple picking(リンゴ狩り)、 leaf raking(枯葉集め)、 autumnal equinox(秋分)、そして fall foliage(紅葉)これらのことをもう少し詳しく説明し、よくする失敗を回避する方法を教えましょう。
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Kuri-chan English – 夏はどうでしたか? : How was your summer?
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
In Japanese, ‘Dou deshita ka?’ is often translated to English as ‘How about?’ However, ‘how about’ is used as a follow-up question after a topic has already been started. ‘How is your son doing? How about your daughter?’ Instead, you should start your first inquiry with ‘How is/was ____?’ Concerning summer, your question will change between the beginning and the end.
日本語の『どうでしたか?』はよく‘How about?’と翻訳されますが、‘How about’は話題がすでに始まっている状態での質問に使われます。‘How about your daughter?’と聞く代わりに‘How is your son doing? ’ となり、話し始めの質問は‘How is/was ____?’ となります。夏についての質問は、最初と最後の間で変化します。
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Kuri-chan English – ジュースそれともソーダ?:Juice or Soda?
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
It’s summertime! Time for nice, cold drinks on hot days! Are you drinking pop, soda, coke, soft drinks, juice, cider? Do you know the difference between them? In Japanese, the first six words are the same, but in English, there are two differences. Also, do you know the difference between soft drinks and hard drinks? Let me tell you!
Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 英会話の継続方法 : How to Continue a Conversation in English
CATEGORIES: Coffee Beans of Wisdom, Kuri-chan English
One of the biggest problems Japanese people have when talking with Americans in English is how to continue a conversation. The conversation often fizzles out after greetings and weather talk.
When teaching English in Japan, I often taught my students how to ask questions but when I moved back to America, I realized that Americans don’t often ask questions, but just talk about themselves. Right!?!
日本人が抱く大きな問題の一つに、アメリカ人との会話の継続方法があります。挨拶や天気の話の後、会話がなくなってしまうことがよくありますね。私が日本で英語を教えていた頃は、生徒達に質問のしかたをよく教えていましたが、アメリカに帰国後、アメリカ人は相手に質問をするのではなく、自分たちの事について話しているのに気がつきました。そう感じませんか? … Read more
Kuri-chan English – 自宅に来た人に、靴を脱ぐようにお願いする : Asking People to Take Off their Shoes in your House
CATEGORIES: Coffee Beans of Wisdom, Kuri-chan English
Asking guests or workers to take off their shoes in your house is a little tricky. If you didn’t tell them about your house rule beforehand, they might not be prepared with socks, or might have difficulty taking them on and off, or might prefer to keep them on (especially workers who work with heavy or sharp things). Here are some polite ways to ask for no shoes.
Cool America – 絵文字 : Emoji
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Kuri-chan English
The cell phone app LINE is very popular with Japanese ladies. You are all probably writing messages in Japanese, but maybe you would like to understand and use the acronyms and English phrases that are found on the emojis. Here are the meanings of the most common ones used in the LINE app.
ケータイアプリのLINEは日本人女性の間でとても人気ですね。ほとんどの場合は日本語でメッセージを書くと思いますが、絵文字に含まれてる英語の頭文字を使った言葉やフレーズの意味を知ってみたいと思いませんか? LINEアプリでよく使われるものをご紹介します。
Kuri-chan English – I appreciate it!
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
“I appreciate it!”
Have you heard this phrase sometimes? It basically means thank you, but sometimes it can have a deeper feeling, like ‘tasukarimashita’. The pronunciation for it is “I ah-pree-shee-ay-dit.” Try it!
このフレーズを聞いた事がありますか?基本的には「ありがとう」の意味ですが「助かりました」の様に深い気持ちを伝える時にも使えます。発音の仕方はこうです。“I ah-pree-shee-ay-dit.”試してみてください!
Conversation Examples 会話例 : … Read more
Kuri-chan English – 嬉しい! : Happy!
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Kuri-chan English
Let’s talk about the word, HAPPY. For ‘ureshii,’ you can say, “I’m happy to hear that” or “That makes me happy.” (Sorry, there is no one-word option.) If you’re really excited, you can say, “I’m so happy!”
Another common usage is “Happy birthday” or “Happy new year.” But did you know that you can also say it for new events or even just for regular days? Happy Monday! Happy November! Happy first day of school! Happy last day of school! Happy first snow day! Be creative! Have fun with it!
その他によく使う言葉として「お誕生日おめでとう」や「あけましておめでとう」があります。新しいイベントや普通の日々に対しても”Happy”を使えるのを知っていますか?Happy Monday! やHappy November! 、Happy first day of school! 、 Happy last day of school! そして Happy first snow day! など自分で言葉を作って楽しんでみましょう!
Cool America – 恩送り: Paying it Forward
CATEGORIES: Coffee Beans of Wisdom, Cool America, Kuri-chan English
Have you ever gone to a coffee shop and the cashier told you that someone else had paid for your coffee? It happened to me only once but I knew what had happened and what to do. Somebody was “paying it forward” and it was up to me to continue the chain. I paid for the person behind me.
コーヒーショップへ行き、レジの人があなたのコーヒー代は誰かが払ってくれましたと言われた事はありますか?私は1回だけ経験があり、それが何でどうすればいいのかを知っていました。誰かが“paying it forward”(恩送り)をしてくれて、そしてそれを継いでいくのは自分次第でした。私は自分の後ろの人の代金を払ってあげました。
“Paying it forward” is …
恩送りとは・・・ … Read more