Cool America-アメリカのサイダーミル : American Cider Mills
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Kuri Cafe Kitchen
Have you ever heard of an American cider mill? If you love fresh fruit, sweets, and a cozy autumn atmosphere, then you’re in for a real treat! Let’s take a little trip to explore what makes these places so special.
Kuri Cafe Kitchen – パンプキン チーズケーキムース : Pumpkin Cheesecake Mousse
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
This recipe is a super-easy dessert that was a hit at a recent Thanksgiving cooking class given to Japanese students. Children loved it, too. It’s a good pumpkin recipe because there is no cinnamon or nutmeg that is sometimes difficult for Japanese to eat. The maple syrup makes it delicious!
Children’s Apron Strings – 子どもたちの英語を理解する : Understanding Children’s English
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English, Mom's Apron Strings
Have you ever volunteered at your child’s school in America, or talked with your friend’s children? Were you able to understand and reply? Here are some phrases that children often use that might help you with your conversation with them next time.
Cool America- アメリカでの家族写真 : Family Portraits in America
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings
In Japan, the only semi-professional family photos are usually taken for children’s school graduation. However, in America, families take group pictures much more often, sometimes every year. They go up in our house or in the church directory or are send to relatives on holiday cards. I think the main reason is because…
Kuri Cafe Kitchen – スイートポテトパウンドケーキ : Sweet Potato Pound Cake
I first tried this recipe in Japan when one of my students brought back an American desserts cookbook (Better Homes and Gardens). I used Japanese sweet potatoes and it had a green tinge to it. In America, it had an orange tinge to it. Either way, it was delicious!! I often use it as a present for students and school teachers. It’s perfect for fall, and it’s easy to cut the recipe in half or reduce the sugar if you don’t need so much.
このレシピは、私の生徒がアメリカのデザート本(Better Homes and Gardens)を持ち帰って来た時に、初めて日本で試したレシピです。日本のサツマイモを使った時は、ほんのり緑色をしてました。アメリカでは、ほんのりオレンジ色をしてました。両方とも美味しかったです!!私は、よく生徒や学校の先生にプレゼントとして作ります。秋にぴったりですし、簡単に分量を半分にできるし、砂糖を減らして甘さ控えめにもできます。
Kuri-chan English – 秋のアクティビティーと語彙 : Fall Activities and Vocab
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Kuri-chan English
Fall season is here! What a great time of the year to enjoy the changing seasons, beautiful colors, and seasonal foods. There are several vocabulary and phrases important for this time of year that you should learn: apple picking, leaf raking, autumnal equinox, and fall foliage. Let me explain them in a little more detail and how to avoid common Japanese mistakes.
秋になりました!季節の変わり目や綺麗な色の変化、季節の食べ物を楽しめる絶好な時期です。この時期に知っておきたい大切な語彙やフレーズがあります:apple picking(リンゴ狩り)、 leaf raking(枯葉集め)、 autumnal equinox(秋分)、そして fall foliage(紅葉)これらのことをもう少し詳しく説明し、よくする失敗を回避する方法を教えましょう。
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Kuri-chan English – 夏はどうでしたか? : How was your summer?
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
In Japanese, ‘Dou deshita ka?’ is often translated to English as ‘How about?’ However, ‘how about’ is used as a follow-up question after a topic has already been started. ‘How is your son doing? How about your daughter?’ Instead, you should start your first inquiry with ‘How is/was ____?’ Concerning summer, your question will change between the beginning and the end.
日本語の『どうでしたか?』はよく‘How about?’と翻訳されますが、‘How about’は話題がすでに始まっている状態での質問に使われます。‘How about your daughter?’と聞く代わりに‘How is your son doing? ’ となり、話し始めの質問は‘How is/was ____?’ となります。夏についての質問は、最初と最後の間で変化します。
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Cool America – 小さな町のフェスティバル : Small-Town Festivals
CATEGORIES: Cool America
As in Japan, many towns boast annual festivals that local residents and visitors can enjoy. In America, these festivals might promote a theme, item or food that is well-known in that area, for example cherries, tulips, jazz, etc. Here are some tips on how to find and enjoy them.
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Kuri-chan English – ジュースそれともソーダ?:Juice or Soda?
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
It’s summertime! Time for nice, cold drinks on hot days! Are you drinking pop, soda, coke, soft drinks, juice, cider? Do you know the difference between them? In Japanese, the first six words are the same, but in English, there are two differences. Also, do you know the difference between soft drinks and hard drinks? Let me tell you!
Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 夏の動物について:Animal Tips for Summer
CATEGORIES: Coffee Beans of Wisdom
In America, you can see all sorts of animals, both tame and wild. Many people take their dogs on walks or to the park, and you may have seen at least squirrels running around your neighborhood. Here are some tips and info on animal care and safety in the summer.