Mom’s Apron Springs – 夏休み Summer Vacation

CATEGORIES:  Mom's Apron Strings

Most schools in America have a long summer vacation, about 2-3 months. When I was a girl, we just played outside, or went to a children’s camp for a week or so. Now, there are many summer day camps to keep your children busy. Most schools send home information, or you can check at your local community center or sports areas. I recommend…


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Kuri-chan English – 発音 の 練習: What are you…

CATEGORIES:  Kuri-chan English

As you maybe noticed after moving to America, English pronunciation is different here than what you studied in Japan.  Let’s talk about “What are you (doing)?” We might say, “Wadayu” or “Wadaya” or “Wa-chu” or “Wa-chya” when we say it. For “What is he (doing)?” we use “Watsee” or “Wa-see”. For “What is she (doing)?” we often say “Wa-she.”
アメリカに引っ越してきてから、日本で勉強していた発音と現地の発音が違うことに気付くかもしれませんね。それでは“What are you (doing)?”についてお話ししましょう。私たちは“Wadayu” ・“Wadaya” ・ “Wa-chu” ・“Wa-chya” と言います。“What is he (doing)?” の場合は、“Watsee” ・“Wa-see”と言います。また“What is she (doing)?” については、“Wa-she.”とたまに言います。 … Read more


Cool America – アメリカのパズル American Puzzles

CATEGORIES:  Cool America, 最新情報

PuzzleHere is a good gift for friends or a fun activity and memory for you! White Mountain Puzzles makes puzzles showing different locations, food, culture and history of America.  I have purchased several Best of Michigan puzzles for families going back to Japan, and my son also has a finished one in his room. Some examples of puzzle names are: Route 66, …


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Kuri Cafe Kitchen – コーヒーケーキ Coffee Cake

CATEGORIES:  Kuri Cafe Kitchen

Coffee-CakeSometimes on the weekend in the morning, I like to make a breakfast food called “Coffee Cake.” No, it’s not made with coffee, but it tastes great with coffee! You have probably seen it in Starbucks or another coffee shop. It’s not too sweet, but it has a nice, crunchy topping. You can also add blueberries if you want (“Blueberry Buckle”). I have been making this easy recipe since I was a girl.

時々、週末の朝に“コーヒーケーキ”という食べ物を朝食に作るのが好きです。コーヒーを使って作るのではなく、コーヒーととてもよく合うんです!多分、スターバックスや他のコーヒーショップで見かけたことがあると思います。甘過ぎず、でもちょうどいいカリカリとしたトッピングがのっています。お好みでブルーベリーを加えることもできますよ。(ブルーベリーバックル) 作り方が簡単なので、小さい頃から作っています。

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Kuri Cafe Kitchen – ショートブレッドクッキー Shortbread Cookies

CATEGORIES:  Kuri Cafe Kitchen

One of the best-tasting cookies I like to make for my Japanese friends and students is also one of the most simple to make: shortbread cookies. It’s great for a potluck, a kids’ activity (they roll and cut out fun shapes, and decorate them), or coffee with friends. Here’s the recipe – enjoy!

私が日本人の友達や生徒達に作るクッキーは世界一美味しくて、世界一簡単です。:その名はショートブレッド クッキー。ポットラックパーティや子供たちのアクティビティ(生地を伸ばし、好きな型でカットして飾りつけをする)またはお友達とのコーヒーの時間に最適です。レシピはこちらですー楽しんで作って下さいね。
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Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 初めて住む国 Living in a New Country

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom

Living in a new country is both exciting and stressful. When you are young, it’s an adventure! I travelled in Europe on my own many years ago, and it was great!


However, when you have a family to think about, it can be more difficult. I had to plan and think about a lot when we moved just from Kentucky to Michigan with 2 young boys.

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Kuri-Chan English – 挨拶 Saying “Hello” and “Goodbye”

CATEGORIES:  Kuri-chan English

In America, “How are you?” is sometimes just another way to say, “Hello.” Two people passing each can say, “How are you?” to each other without an answer.

アメリカでは”How are you?” (お元気ですか?)を時々”Hello.” (こんにちは)という意味で使います。ある二人の人がすれ違う時に、”How are you?” とお互い言い合って、返事はしないんです。
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Cool America – アメリカのエプロン USA Aprons and Towels

CATEGORIES:  Cool America

apronRecently, I found a cool website called Uncommon Goods.

最近、Uncommon Goods(ちょっと変わったグッズ)と呼ばれるカッコいいウィブサイトを見つけました。

They sell many items that you would not find at a regular department store. Some of the items are aprons, kitchen towels and pillows with USA city, state or region maps printed or sewn on them. They are so cute, great for a goodbye present or souvenir! I purchased an apron and kitchen towel with Michigan on them for a friend who went back to Japan in February.

普通のデパートでは見つけられない沢山の商品が売っています。エプロンやキッチンタオルそして、アメリカの市や州、地域の地図がプリントされていたり、縫われていたりする枕があります。とても可愛くて、送別品やお土産に最適です。 私は、ミシガンと書かれているエプロンとキッチンタオルを2月に帰国したお友達の為に購入しました。
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Mom’s Apron Strings – 子供の英語レベル Child’s English Level Concerns

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom, Mom's Apron Strings

When you come to America as a mom, your first thought is your children. Many moms worry about their child’s English level. “Is he speaking enough at school?” “Should she have a tutor?” “Does she have too many Japanese friends at school?”

Don’t worry!!


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