Kuri Cafe Kitchen – ライスパンケーキ(アメリカンスタイル) : Rice Pancakes
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
Growing up, my family often ate pancakes: regular, corn, rice and potato. And yes, we put syrup on them!! (However, my mom liked them with butter and salt.) I now make rice pancakes for my sons, and they love them.
Some of my Japanese students also know about (Japanese-style) rice pancakes, but most of my students do not know. So if you are interested, here is the recipe for my American-style rice pancakes.
Cool America – ステートフェア : State Fairs
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings
State Fairs are awesome! As a child, I ALWAYS went to our State Fair in the summer. It was tradition. We always ate the same foods, rode the same rides, and looked at the same competitions and shows. It was always a day-long affair and we always came home happy and tired.
Mom’s Apron Strings – 先生への感謝の手紙とプレゼント : Teacher Thank-you Letter and Present
CATEGORIES: Mom's Apron Strings
June is the month of thank-you letters and small presents to your child’s teachers or your own ESL tutors before the summer vacation. Here are some tips and English hints to give you an idea of what to do and say.
6月は、夏休みに入る前にお子さんの担任の先生達やESLの家庭教師にお礼の手紙とちょっとしたプレゼントを贈る月です。 何をして、どう言えばいいのかのアイデアや英語のヒントをこちらにまとめました。 … Read more
Kuri Cafe English – 簡単で柔らかな英語での返事 : Easy and Softer English Response
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
Sometimes when I talk with Japanese people in English, I am a little surprised when they directly say, “no” or “bad.” Even in Japanese, we often make our negative statements softer, and it’s the same in English. Here are two options for how to say a softer negative response in English.
時々、日本の人たちと英語で話していると、ダイレクトに“no” や“bad ”と言うので少しびっくりさせられます。日本語でもネガティブな事を言う時は柔らかくしますし、それは英語でも同じです。こちらが英語で柔らなくネガティブな返事をする時の2つの例です。
Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 大切な社会的ヒント : Important Social Tip
CATEGORIES: Coffee Beans of Wisdom
Before or soon after you came to America, did you hear that it’s good to arrive at a house party 30 minutes late because the hostess will never be ready? (I actually thought this was a Japanese style and so didn’t mind it. I just recently found out that Japanese think that it’s an American style. Lol.) Although sometimes it’s okay to be “fashionably late” to a party at someone’s house, one should usually try to arrive on time.
アメリカに来る前や到着して間もない頃、アメリカ人のホームパーティーに行く時は、主催者の準備が整わないので30分遅れで到着するのが良い事だと聞きませんでしたか?(実は、私はこれが日本のスタイルだと思っていたので気にしませんでした。最近になってようやく日本人がアメリカのスタイルだと勘違いしてる事が分かったんです。Lol.)時々、誰かの家でのパーティーに“fashionably late”として遅れるのは大丈夫ですが、できるだけ時間に間に合うように到着しましょう。
This is because…
Kuri-chan English – 小遣い : Spending Money
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
There are a few different ways to talk about spending money. There is allowance, spending money and pocket money. Which one to use?!! Here are the differences between them.
お小遣いについて話す場合、幾つかの違う言い方があります。Allowance, spending moneyそしてpocket moneyです。どれを使えばいいのでしょう?こちらが違いになります。
Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 自宅と庭の修理 : Fixing Up the House and Yard
CATEGORIES: Coffee Beans of Wisdom
Spring is here and things need to be fixed! But be careful! Here’s a story and then advice. One year, the husband of one of my students decided to trim a tree branch on their rental property. He went up a LADDER, by HIMSELF (no one holding the ladder), with a CHAINSAW, near a WIRE. Yes, it was bad.
春になり、物を修理する必要がでてきましたね!しかし、気を付けてください!この話をお聞きください。ある年、私の生徒のご主人が借りている家の木の枝を剪定しようとしました。チェーンソーを持ちながら、一人ではしごに登りました(はしごは誰も支えていませんでした)。しかもワイヤーが近くにありました。そうです、危険でした。 … Read more
Kuri Cafe Kitchen – アメリカでのヘルシーベーキングヒント : Healthy Baking Hints in America
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
I would like to give you some of my tips for healthy baking that I use in my kitchen. My son needs to be gluten-free, and I also try to reduce the fat and sugar in the recipes. Here’s what I do.
Kuri-chan English: 夏時間(サマータイム)- Daylight Savings Time (“Summertime”)
CATEGORIES: Coffee Beans of Wisdom
This coming weekend, March 8th, is Daylight Savings Time. We have to move the clocks ahead one hour. Many Japanese say that this is “summertime.” Although this word is often used in Europe, Americans will mostly likely think you are talking about the summer months of June, July and August. You will need to…
Mom’s Apron Strings: 州ゲーム – State Game
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings
During my ESL tutor lessons for children, we sometimes play a fun learning game called the Scrambled States of America Game. It helps the children to learn about the 50 states of America with funny pictures, interesting questions and a little competition to make them learn quickly. You can buy this game online, but also…
ESLの家庭教師として子供たちに英語を教えている間、Scrambled States of America Game という楽しく学べるゲームを時々します。アメリカの50州について面白い絵や興味深い問題、そして少し競争しながら遊ぶので早く学ぶことができます。オンラインでも購入できますが、