書籍、ヒントカード、セイフティー パック

bookWhether you are planning to come to America soon, or you have already been living here for a while, the Kuri Cafe Hajimete no America series is what you need! These books will teach you all you need to know about casual, everyday life in America.


Bonus: Kuri Cafe website customers receive 20% discount on all book purchases! Plus, if you order three books, we will automatically send you a free hint card 6-pack gift!

ボーナス: くりカフェウェブサイトにご登録のお客様は、全ての書籍を対象に20%割引を致します。さらに、本を3冊購入して頂くとヒントカード6パックセットを無料で差し上げます。

We ship to customers in Japan, however we might recommend our e-book option as a better price option. Please click on the Amazon link below each book to see the e-book options.


Books : 書籍

Hajimete no America #1 – 25 Handy Phrases plus Letter Support

はじめてのアメリカ #1 25の便利なフレーズ集*レターサポート

Book 1 teaches you how to say common Japanese phrases in English (e.g. yoroshiku-onegaishimasu) and how to write letters and e-mails for daily life (e.g. canceling a lesson).


Inside Look Here! 本の中身はこちら!

Now on Amazon! E-bookは現在アマゾンにて発売中 ! !

Hajimete no America #2 – 25 Life Hints plus Conversation Support

はじめてのアメリカ#2 25の暮らしのあれこれ * 会話サポート

Book 2 provides information for general life situations (e.g. writing checks) and daily conversation support (e.g. going to the post office).


Inside Look Here! 本の中身はこちら!

Now on Amazon! E-bookは現在アマゾンにて発売中 ! !

Hajimete no America #3 – 25 Life Hints for Children * Bonus Topics

はじめてのアメリカ#3 25の子供の生活あれこれ *ボーナストピック

Book 3 provides information, recommendations, letter samples, hints and conversation ideas for everything related to raising children in America, including school, sports and doctors.


Inside Look Here! 本の中身はこちら!

Now on Amazon! E-bookは現在アマゾンにて発売中 ! !

Hajimete no America #4 – 35 Most Common English Mistakes plus Interesting American Life English

はじめてのアメリカ#4 35のよくある英語の間違い アメリカ生活でおもしろい英語

Book 4 corrects and explains many common English errors by Japanese speakers, with other interesting daily life English like casual words, acronyms and more!


Now on Amazon! E-bookは現在アマゾンにて発売中 ! !

Welcome to America! Introduction to Daily Life with Safety and School Hints

アメリカへようこそ 日常生活に関する紹介安全や学校を含む

Welcome to America tells all that you need for a sucessful start in America, with important English tips, home and car safety, child safety and school hints.

Welcome to Americaはアメリカで問題なく新生活をはじめるために必要な情報:家、車、子供の安全について、学校に関するとても大切なヒントや英語での言い方等が書かれています。

Hint Card : ヒントカード

Hint Cards are wallet-sized cards with often-used and often-forgot phrases in English (with Japanese translation) for different daily-life situations. These double-sided cards can be kept in your purse or wallet for a quick reminder when at a restaurant, store, doctor’s office, school, post office, class or leasing office.



Hint Card Basic 6-Pack:

(Includes Store, Restaurant, Doctor, Post Office, Leasing Office/Landlord and Class)

ヒントカード ベーシック6-パック: $5.99 (お店・レストラン・医者・郵便局・リーシングオフィス/大家さん・クラス)

BONUS! If you order three books, we will give you a free hint card 6-pack gift. You do not need to add it to your shopping cart.

ボーナス! 本を3冊購入して頂くとヒントカード6パックセットを無料で差し上げます。ショッピングカート追加しなくても大丈夫です。

Safety Pack : セイフティー パック

So many Japanese expat families in America are not adequately informed of safety recommendations or prepared for emergency situations. The JFS USA Safety Packs will help you make the proper decisions regarding safety for your car, children and home, as well as help you be prepared for unexpected situations. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

アメリカに駐在の皆様は、緊急事態に対しての用意や安全についての情報を十分に知らされていません。JFS USAのセイフティーパックは、車やお子様、ご自宅に関して予期せぬ状況が起こった場合でも適切な判断ができるように作られています。ぜひご活用ください。

Car Safety Pack

カー・セイフティー パック

  • Hints and Police Conversation Booklet
  • AAA Winter Driving Guide
  • Handy Car Case for Important Documents

Always have your important documents in one place for when you are in an accident or get pulled over by police. Learn from the important driving and police safety information also included.


Child Safety Pack

チャイルド・セイフティー パック

  • Child Safety Recommendations Booklet
  • Child-Friendly Emergency Call Magnet
  • School Absence Hotline Call Magnet

Keep your children safe! Learn about home and car safety recommendation for living in America, and keep all of your emergency contacts on a child-friendly magnet.


Home Safety Pack

ホーム・セイフティー パック

  • Home Safety Hints Booklet
  • No Soliciting Sign
  • Winter Hints for Home Sheet*

Do you know what you should do for your house when temperatures drop or when you go on vacation? Learn also what to do and say with solicitors and figure out a safety plan for an emergency.


Books coming soon : 新刊予告

  • Grandma Annie’s Cookbook – Traditional American Cooking
