Children’s Apron Strings – 子どもたちの英語を理解する : Understanding Children’s English

Kuri-chan English, Mom's Apron Strings

Have you ever volunteered at your child’s school in America, or talked with your friend’s children?  Were you able to understand and reply?  Here are some phrases that children often use that might help you with your conversation with them next time.

“Whatcha doin’?”  (What are you doing?)  Just let them know what you are doing!

“Why?”  You understand this question, but might have difficulty finding a correct answer.  A simple answer is “Just because!”

“Kai help?”  (Can I help?)  You can say, “Sure,” but if you don’t need help, you can say, “Maybe next time!” or “Can you help by watching me?”

“Kyu help me?” (Can you help me?)  Just a simple “Sure!” or “What do you need?” is a good reply.

“Watch me!” or “Look at me!”  They might say it several times, even if you are busy, but you can say, “I’m watching,” or “Great!” or “You are good at that!”

“My mommy/daddy said …..”  You can say, “Oh, I see,” or “Really, did they say that?” or “Wow, they are very smart.”

“Dju know that ….?” (Did you know?)  Even if you can’t understand the rest of the sentence, you can say, “Really?” or “I didn’t know that.”

“Jasecond.” (Just a second)  Maybe they need you to wait for a moment, and you can say, “Ok.”

There are many more phrases, but these will start you out.  Good luck talking with them!