Cool America-アメリカのサイダーミル : American Cider Mills
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Kuri Cafe Kitchen
Have you ever heard of an American cider mill? If you love fresh fruit, sweets, and a cozy autumn atmosphere, then you’re in for a real treat! Let’s take a little trip to explore what makes these places so special.
Kuri Cafe Kitchen – パンプキン チーズケーキムース : Pumpkin Cheesecake Mousse
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
This recipe is a super-easy dessert that was a hit at a recent Thanksgiving cooking class given to Japanese students. Children loved it, too. It’s a good pumpkin recipe because there is no cinnamon or nutmeg that is sometimes difficult for Japanese to eat. The maple syrup makes it delicious!
Kuri Cafe Kitchen – マフィン : Muffin
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
Americans love muffins! You can find them in any coffee shop, supermarket or even gas station. However, those muffins are often full of sugar and fat. Here is a simpler recipe that Americans use at home that is much healthier and just as yummy. Our house favorite is banana -mini chocolate chip.
Kuri Café Kitchen – ツナキャセロール : Tuna Casserole
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
If you are looking for an all-American sort of dish, here is one for you. It can be considered a blue-collar (working-class) dish, as it doesn’t cost a lot and is easy to make. Needless to say, I ate this and other similar recipes a lot while growing up. Serve with noodles or rice, and add a salad as a side dish to round out the meal. Enjoy!
もしアメリカ料理を探してるようなら、こちらをどうぞ。材料費も安く簡単に作れるので、ブルーカラー(工場で働く労働者クラス)のお料理と言ってもいいですね。言うまでもありませんが、私が子供の頃はこの料理や似たような料理をたくさん食べました。麺かお米と一緒に召し上がってください。また、サラダも付け合せとして一緒にどうぞ。 … Read more
Kuri Café Kitchen : ズッキーニ ブレッド – Zucchini Bread
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
When I was growing up as a girl, my mom kept a garden of a variety of fruits and vegetables, including zucchini. If I have to eat it as a vegetable, I like it steamed with butter and salt. However, it was a treat to be able to make zucchini bread and eat it warm with margarine on it. Please try it and let me know how you liked it!
私が小さい頃、母はズッキーニなどの沢山の野菜とフルーツをお庭で作っていました。 お野菜として食べる時は、蒸した野菜にバターとお塩をつけて食べるのが好きでした。 また、おやつとしてズッキーニブレッドを作り、温かいうちにマーガリンを乗せて食べていました。 是非作ってみてはいかがですか?感想も聞かせてくださいね。
Kuri Cafe Kitchen – ライスパンケーキ(アメリカンスタイル) : Rice Pancakes
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
Growing up, my family often ate pancakes: regular, corn, rice and potato. And yes, we put syrup on them!! (However, my mom liked them with butter and salt.) I now make rice pancakes for my sons, and they love them.
Some of my Japanese students also know about (Japanese-style) rice pancakes, but most of my students do not know. So if you are interested, here is the recipe for my American-style rice pancakes.
Kuri Cafe Kitchen – アメリカでのヘルシーベーキングヒント : Healthy Baking Hints in America
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
I would like to give you some of my tips for healthy baking that I use in my kitchen. My son needs to be gluten-free, and I also try to reduce the fat and sugar in the recipes. Here’s what I do.
Kuri-chan English – 雪に関する単語のレッスン : Snow Vocab Lesson
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
Snow Vocab Lesson: In the snow, children make a fort and throw snowballs. They make a snowman, build an igloo, make snow angels and break icicles. Adults shovel the snow with a shovel or clear the driveway with a snow blower. Snowplows and salt trucks clear the streets.
Kuri Cafe Kitchen – ベーキングパウダービスケット : Baking Powder Biscuits
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
Growing up, baking powder biscuits were an integral part of my family’s dinners. It was a great side to any meal that we could whip up in just 15 minutes before it was time to eat. They are definitely one of America’s comfort foods. If you are trying to make an American meal and want a little extra, or are thinking of a new idea for breakfast, try this baking powder biscuit recipe! You just need…
モコモコと膨らむベーキングパウダービスケットは我が家の夕食に欠かせません。食べる15分前に混ぜ合わせて出来上がる、どんな食事にも合う1品です。これは、間違いなくアメリカのおふくろの味の料理の1つです。もしアメリカ料理に挑戦して、少し特別にしたい時や、いつもと違う朝食としてベーキングパウダービスケットのレシピに挑戦してみてください! 必要なものは・・・
Kuri Cafe Kitchen – アップルサイダー パウダー : Apple Cider Powder
CATEGORIES: Kuri Cafe Kitchen
Apple-picking, donuts and cider season is about over. (Sad for the taste, good for the waist….) However, you can still enjoy apple cider at home. I’m sure that there are recipes for making it from scratch, but it’s also convenient to have a powder mix to enjoy it when you don’t feel like bustling about the kitchen. I’ll tell you my favorite one.
りんご狩りやドーナッツ、サイダーの季節はもうそろそろ終わりですね。(味は恋しくなりますが、ウエストには優しいですね)しかし、まだアップルサイダーを自宅で楽しめるんですよ。手作りのレシピはあると思うのですが、キッチンでバタバタしたくない時は、パウダーミックスを利用すると便利ですね。私のお気に入りをご紹介します。 … Read more