Kuri Café Kitchen – ツナキャセロール : Tuna Casserole

Kuri Cafe Kitchen

tuna casseroleIf you are looking for an all-American sort of dish, here is one for you. It can be considered a blue-collar (working-class) dish, as it doesn’t cost a lot and is easy to make. Needless to say, I ate this and other similar recipes a lot while growing up. Serve with noodles or rice, and add a salad as a side dish to round out the meal. Enjoy!

Tuna Casserole

Preheat oven to 350°

1 can cream of mushroom soup, ½ c milk.

1 6-oz can tuna (drained), 1 ¼ c crushed potato chips, 1 c cooked peas.
6オンスのツナ缶1個、砕いたポテトチップス1 ¼カップ、茹でたエンドウ豆

Mix soup and milk. Add tuna, 1 c crushed chips and peas.

Place in 8×8″ baking dish. Sprinkle remaining chips on top. Bake for 25 minutes. Serve hot.