Children’s Apron Strings – 子どもたちの英語を理解する : Understanding Children’s English
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English, Mom's Apron Strings
Have you ever volunteered at your child’s school in America, or talked with your friend’s children? Were you able to understand and reply? Here are some phrases that children often use that might help you with your conversation with them next time.
Cool America- アメリカでの家族写真 : Family Portraits in America
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings
In Japan, the only semi-professional family photos are usually taken for children’s school graduation. However, in America, families take group pictures much more often, sometimes every year. They go up in our house or in the church directory or are send to relatives on holiday cards. I think the main reason is because…
Cool America – 大人向けのぬりえ : Coloring Books for Adults!
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings
If you haven’t noticed yet, there are now coloring books for grown-ups in American stores. Have you seen it yet? It’s the new fad to help adults relax with coloring, but without the childish stigma. The main theme is patterns, available in a variety of shapes including animals, scenic views, nature and people. The patterned style offers a more intricate and detailed coloring experience.
大人向けのぬりえ本がアメリカのお店にあるのをご存知でしょうか?見たことがありますか? これは大人が色を塗ってリラックする最近の流行りで、子供っぽいと思われることはありません。動物の形や、素晴らし景色、自然や人々などをパターン化したもので、より複雑で詳細な塗り絵になっています。 … Read more
Cool America : 子ども用のナショナルパークパスポート – National Park Passports for Children
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings
If you and your family are planning on visiting national parks during your stay in the United States, you should purchase a Passport to Your National Parks booklet. This includes a list of all the national park areas in the USA, along with maps, pictures, and more. The fun part is that when you visit a national park, your child can get a park stamp in this booklet (like a passport) to show that he visited it.
もしアメリカ滞在中にご家族でナショナルパーク(国立公園)へ行く予定ならPassport to Your National Parksというパスポートを購入しましょう。これには全米にある全てのナショナルパークのリストや地図、写真などが載っています。ナショナルパークへ行った時には、そこの専用スタンプをパスポートに押せるので(本物のパスポートみたいに)、そこへ行った証拠にもなるし楽しいですね。
If you’d like more information for your child to read during the trip, you can also purchase the Kids Passport to Your National Parks® Companion, which has more park information along with Junior Ranger activities and info.
You can purchase both booklets here . Although you can probably purchase them at the national park stores, I recommend purchasing them in advance.
旅行中、お子さんにもっと詳しい情報を集めさせたいならKids Passport to Your National Parks® Companionというパスポートを購入しましょう。これにはジュニア レンジャー アクティビティーを含むたくさんの情報が載っています。
Safe travels, and may you receive many stamps!
Kuri-chan English : 新しい先生と生徒達に会う – Meeting New Teachers and Other Students
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English, Mom's Apron Strings
Last year I wrote a blog on what to say when you meet your child’s new teacher, which you can read here. However, what is good to say when you are meeting your own teacher or classmates, maybe for an ESL or baking or art class. Here are some convenient phrases to use for introductions and initial small talk.
去年、お子さんの新しい担任の先生に会った時に、どんなことを話したらいいかをブログでご紹介しました。こちらをご覧ください。しかし、ESLやベーキングクラス、アートクラスなどであなたが初めて先生やクラスメートに会った時に何と言えばいいのでしょうか。自己紹介や初めて会った時にするちょっとした会話で使える便利なフレーズをご紹介します。 … Read more
Mom’s Apron Strings – 新学期準備 : Back-to-School Preparation
CATEGORIES: Mom's Apron Strings
In America, in August, everything is about BACK TO SCHOOL! Everywhere you look, you see the signs, supplies and clothes. There are a few things to remember when planning for your child to start or return to school in the fall. (Also see “Back to School Shopping” here.)
アメリカでは、8月になると全てのものが新学期の準備になります。どこへ行ってもそのサインや文房具などの必需品や服などを目にするでしょう。秋の新学期や初登校のために覚えて置いたほうが良い事をご紹介します。(また新学期のための買い物はこちらです.) … Read more
Mom’s Apron Strings – 新学期の準備の買い物 Back-to-School Shopping
CATEGORIES: Mom's Apron Strings, 最新情報
Back-to-School Shopping!!! 新学期の準備の買い物!!
Elementary School Supplies Shopping Picture List
Middle and High School Supplies Shopping Picture List
As you know, school starts in August or September in America. (August is for year-round schedule schools, September is for traditional schedule schools.) However, back-to-school shopping starts in June or July, not long after school ends. It seems that the school supply list that families need to prepare gets longer and longer every year. Most schools send home the list during the summer. It’s tricky for shopping –
ご存知の通り、アメリカでは8月が9月に学校が始まります。(8月に始まる場合は年間を通してスケジュールを立てている学校で、9月に始まる場合は、伝統的なスケジュールを立てている学校です)ところで、新学期の準備の買い物は6月か7月から始まりますが、学期末まではやっていません。年々、新学期に必要な買い物をするのに時間が掛るような気がします。これはとても厄介な買い物で− … Read more
Cool America – ステートフェア : State Fairs
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings
State Fairs are awesome! As a child, I ALWAYS went to our State Fair in the summer. It was tradition. We always ate the same foods, rode the same rides, and looked at the same competitions and shows. It was always a day-long affair and we always came home happy and tired.
Mom’s Apron Strings – 先生への感謝の手紙とプレゼント : Teacher Thank-you Letter and Present
CATEGORIES: Mom's Apron Strings
June is the month of thank-you letters and small presents to your child’s teachers or your own ESL tutors before the summer vacation. Here are some tips and English hints to give you an idea of what to do and say.
6月は、夏休みに入る前にお子さんの担任の先生達やESLの家庭教師にお礼の手紙とちょっとしたプレゼントを贈る月です。 何をして、どう言えばいいのかのアイデアや英語のヒントをこちらにまとめました。 … Read more
Mom’s Apron Strings: 州ゲーム – State Game
CATEGORIES: Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings
During my ESL tutor lessons for children, we sometimes play a fun learning game called the Scrambled States of America Game. It helps the children to learn about the 50 states of America with funny pictures, interesting questions and a little competition to make them learn quickly. You can buy this game online, but also…
ESLの家庭教師として子供たちに英語を教えている間、Scrambled States of America Game という楽しく学べるゲームを時々します。アメリカの50州について面白い絵や興味深い問題、そして少し競争しながら遊ぶので早く学ぶことができます。オンラインでも購入できますが、