In America, in August, everything is about BACK TO SCHOOL! Everywhere you look, you see the signs, supplies and clothes. There are a few things to remember when planning for your child to start or return to school in the fall. (Also see “Back to School Shopping” here.)
1. Depending on your child’s school or new teacher, you will receive a classroom supplies need-to-buy list either in the summer or the first week of school. You might receive a paper list in the mail or an e-mail link to a list on your child’s school’s website. Don’t worry if you think it’s coming late – your teacher will send it to you eventually.
2. You should receive vaccination information from your child’s school if they need a vaccination for that year. You can just bring the paper/email to your child’s doctor and they will give you the paperwork proof you need to give to the school.
3. Now, most school districts do all of their registration online, so you don’t have to speak English. If you are having trouble, however, you can contact your school or ask JFS USA here. Remember, you don’t have to think, “oh well (ma iya)” if there is a question that is difficult to ask. The school wants to help your child, so you should communicate any situation.
現在、ほとんどの学校区ではオンラインで登録ができるので、あなたは英語を話す必要はありません。もし何か問題が起こったりしたら、学校へ連絡するか、JFS USAへご連絡くださいhere.どうやって質問したらいいか困っても(まぁ〜いいや)って思わないで下さいね。学校側はあなたのお子さんの力になりたがっているので、どんな状況でも連絡をしましょう。
4. Please don’t worry too much about lunch. You can just do what your child wants. Start with a bento, and then change to school lunch or American lunch if your child prefers it. I always taught my boys how to respond to negative comments about a Japanese-style lunch: “It’s yummy! Do you want to try it?” or “I don’t care.” or “Well, I like it. Your lunch looks good, too!”
5. Make sure to double-check your child’s bus stop when the bus information comes in the mail in August. Sometimes the times and locations change for the new year.
6. If your child is going to a new school, or wants to see her new classroom, you can usually go to the school when it opens (usually 2-3 weeks before school starts) and look around. Since no children are in the school, the doors should be unlocked, and you can check in at the office: “Hello! My daughter would like to see the school, if that’s ok. She wants to be ready for the first day of school.”
Again, please feel free to contact us at JFS USA if you have any problems or questions. We are happy to help! Or, our Hajimete no America Book 3 has all of the information you need to raise children in America. It’s a perfect guidebook for a Japanese mom.
もし問題や質問などありましたら、お気軽にJFS USAに連絡ください。喜んでお手伝いさせていただきます!又、「はじめてのアメリカBook 3」にはアメリカでの子育てに関する必要な情報が満載されています。日本人のお母さん達にはパーフェクトなガイドブックですよ。