Cool America : 子ども用のナショナルパークパスポート – National Park Passports for Children

Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings

passportIf you and your family are planning on visiting national parks during your stay in the United States, you should purchase a Passport to Your National Parks booklet. This includes a list of all the national park areas in the USA, along with maps, pictures, and more. The fun part is that when you visit a national park, your child can get a park stamp in this booklet (like a passport) to show that he visited it.
もしアメリカ滞在中にご家族でナショナルパーク(国立公園)へ行く予定ならPassport to Your National Parksというパスポートを購入しましょう。これには全米にある全てのナショナルパークのリストや地図、写真などが載っています。ナショナルパークへ行った時には、そこの専用スタンプをパスポートに押せるので(本物のパスポートみたいに)、そこへ行った証拠にもなるし楽しいですね。

If you’d like more information for your child to read during the trip, you can also purchase the Kids Passport to Your National Parks® Companion, which has more park information along with Junior Ranger activities and info.
You can purchase both booklets here . Although you can probably purchase them at the national park stores, I recommend purchasing them in advance.
旅行中、お子さんにもっと詳しい情報を集めさせたいならKids Passport to Your National Parks® Companionというパスポートを購入しましょう。これにはジュニア レンジャー アクティビティーを含むたくさんの情報が載っています。

Safe travels, and may you receive many stamps!