Kuri Cafe Kitchen – アメリカでのヘルシーベーキングヒント : Healthy Baking Hints in America

Kuri Cafe Kitchen

Bake-ApplesauceI would like to give you some of my tips for healthy baking that I use in my kitchen. My son needs to be gluten-free, and I also try to reduce the fat and sugar in the recipes. Here’s what I do.

First, I make my own flour mix. I use a mix of brown rice powder (1 part), oat powder (1/4 part) and almond powder (1/4 part). (The almond flour provides healthy protein, but not too much because it also has a lot of fat!)   Sometimes this mix doesn’t work out as well as regular flour, but it’s better for my son and does a pretty good job for most baked items.

Second, I use applesauce in place of oil or butter. I usually reduce the oil or butter by half, and add in the same amount of applesauce. My Japanese friends have said it gives my brownies and muffins a moist ‘mochi’ texture. 2番目に、私はオイルやバターの代わりにアップルソースを使います。いつもオイルやバターを半分に減らして、同じ量のアップルソースを加えます。日本人の友人は私の作ったブラウニーやマフィンはしっとりしていてお餅みたいな口当たりだと言ってくれます。

Third, I use soy milk for all baking recipes that ask for milk. (Almond milk has less nutrients than soy milk.) Sometimes I water down the milk to make it a lighter-calorie recipe.

Next month I will include a delicious, light mini-brownie recipe that follows this style. Can’t wait!!