Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 夏の動物について:Animal Tips for Summer

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom

dogIn America, you can see all sorts of animals, both tame and wild. Many people take their dogs on walks or to the park, and you may have seen at least squirrels running around your neighborhood. Here are some tips and info on animal care and safety in the summer.

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Coffee Beans of Wisdom – たんぽぽ : Dandelions

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom

dandelion“April showers bring May flowers.”  Spring is here!  And so are the dandelions!  If you are in a subdivision, you need to take care of them. If your home owner doesn’t do anything, you have these options to do it by yourself.

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Kuri Cafe Kitchen – マフィン : Muffin

CATEGORIES:  Kuri Cafe Kitchen

muffinAmericans love muffins! You can find them in any coffee shop, supermarket or even gas station. However, those muffins are often full of sugar and fat. Here is a simpler recipe that Americans use at home that is much healthier and just as yummy. Our house favorite is banana -mini chocolate chip.

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Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 自宅と子どもの安全 : Home and Child Safety

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom, 最新情報

home safety booklet picJFS USA has also prepared home and child safety packets.   Home Safety Packets advise on emergency preparation, solicitation, winter upkeep and more.  Child Safety Packets advise on carseats, age requirements, emergency prep and more.  However, there are a few more hints not in the packets that I thought I would share.
JFS USA は、自宅や子どもについてのセーフティーパックも用意しました。ホームセーフティーパックには、緊急事態に対しての備えや訪問販売、冬支度などのアドバイスが満載です。チャイルドセーフティーパックには、カーシートや年齢に準じての必要事項、緊急時の対策などのアドバイスが満載です。このパックには記載されていませんが、お教えしたいアドバイスが少しあるのでご紹介します。 … Read more

Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 車両書類についての注意 : Car Document Alert

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom, 最新情報

car booklet picJFS USA has just started selling a convenient car document holder that describes in Japanese what you need to keep in your glove compartment for when you might be stopped by the cops or in a car accident.  (Only $5 – click here to buy)  However, many Japanese friends were wondering how to fit all of those documents into one little holder.  I then realized that people are putting ALL of their car documents into their glove compartment, including all copies of insurance and registration documents, and EVEN the car title!!

JFS USAは、警察に止められた時や交通事故に遭った時のために、何をダッシュボードに保管しておけばいいのかを日本語でまとめた便利なホルダーを発売しました。(格安の$5ドル−ご購入はこちら)多くの日本の友人は、この小さなホルダーにどうやって全ての書類をしまうのか不思議に思っていたそうです。それで私は気が付いたのですが、日本人の方は、車両保険や自動車登録証、しかも自動車の所有権利書を含む全ての書類をダッシュボードに保管しています!! … Read more

Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 英会話の継続方法 : How to Continue a Conversation in English

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom, Kuri-chan English

clipart_coffee_girlsOne of the biggest problems Japanese people have when talking with Americans in English is how to continue a conversation. The conversation often fizzles out after greetings and weather talk.
When teaching English in Japan, I often taught my students how to ask questions but when I moved back to America, I realized that Americans don’t often ask questions, but just talk about themselves. Right!?!
日本人が抱く大きな問題の一つに、アメリカ人との会話の継続方法があります。挨拶や天気の話の後、会話がなくなってしまうことがよくありますね。私が日本で英語を教えていた頃は、生徒達に質問のしかたをよく教えていましたが、アメリカに帰国後、アメリカ人は相手に質問をするのではなく、自分たちの事について話しているのに気がつきました。そう感じませんか? … Read more

Kuri-chan English – 自宅に来た人に、靴を脱ぐようにお願いする : Asking People to Take Off their Shoes in your House

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom, Kuri-chan English

shoe rack

Asking guests or workers to take off their shoes in your house is a little tricky. If you didn’t tell them about your house rule beforehand, they might not be prepared with socks, or might have difficulty taking them on and off, or might prefer to keep them on (especially workers who work with heavy or sharp things). Here are some polite ways to ask for no shoes.

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Kuri Café Kitchen – ツナキャセロール : Tuna Casserole

CATEGORIES:  Kuri Cafe Kitchen

tuna casseroleIf you are looking for an all-American sort of dish, here is one for you. It can be considered a blue-collar (working-class) dish, as it doesn’t cost a lot and is easy to make. Needless to say, I ate this and other similar recipes a lot while growing up. Serve with noodles or rice, and add a salad as a side dish to round out the meal. Enjoy!
もしアメリカ料理を探してるようなら、こちらをどうぞ。材料費も安く簡単に作れるので、ブルーカラー(工場で働く労働者クラス)のお料理と言ってもいいですね。言うまでもありませんが、私が子供の頃はこの料理や似たような料理をたくさん食べました。麺かお米と一緒に召し上がってください。また、サラダも付け合せとして一緒にどうぞ。 … Read more

Cool America – 大人向けのぬりえ : Coloring Books for Adults!

CATEGORIES:  Cool America, Mom's Apron Strings

7-adult-coloring-bookIf you haven’t noticed yet, there are now coloring books for grown-ups in American stores. Have you seen it yet? It’s the new fad to help adults relax with coloring, but without the childish stigma. The main theme is patterns, available in a variety of shapes including animals, scenic views, nature and people. The patterned style offers a more intricate and detailed coloring experience.
大人向けのぬりえ本がアメリカのお店にあるのをご存知でしょうか?見たことがありますか? これは大人が色を塗ってリラックする最近の流行りで、子供っぽいと思われることはありません。動物の形や、素晴らし景色、自然や人々などをパターン化したもので、より複雑で詳細な塗り絵になっています。 … Read more

Cool America – 絵文字 : Emoji

CATEGORIES:  Cool America, Kuri-chan English

emojiThe cell phone app LINE is very popular with Japanese ladies. You are all probably writing messages in Japanese, but maybe you would like to understand and use the acronyms and English phrases that are found on the emojis. Here are the meanings of the most common ones used in the LINE app.
ケータイアプリのLINEは日本人女性の間でとても人気ですね。ほとんどの場合は日本語でメッセージを書くと思いますが、絵文字に含まれてる英語の頭文字を使った言葉やフレーズの意味を知ってみたいと思いませんか? LINEアプリでよく使われるものをご紹介します。

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