Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 車両書類についての注意 : Car Document Alert

Coffee Beans of Wisdom, 最新情報

car booklet picJFS USA has just started selling a convenient car document holder that describes in Japanese what you need to keep in your glove compartment for when you might be stopped by the cops or in a car accident.  (Only $5 – click here to buy)  However, many Japanese friends were wondering how to fit all of those documents into one little holder.  I then realized that people are putting ALL of their car documents into their glove compartment, including all copies of insurance and registration documents, and EVEN the car title!!

JFS USAは、警察に止められた時や交通事故に遭った時のために、何をダッシュボードに保管しておけばいいのかを日本語でまとめた便利なホルダーを発売しました。(格安の$5ドル−ご購入はこちら)多くの日本の友人は、この小さなホルダーにどうやって全ての書類をしまうのか不思議に思っていたそうです。それで私は気が付いたのですが、日本人の方は、車両保険や自動車登録証、しかも自動車の所有権利書を含む全ての書類をダッシュボードに保管しています!!

PLEASE don’t keep your car title in your car!!! If someone stole your car, they could sell it with no problem!!  And if all of your insurance and registration papers are in your car, there is no proof at home that it’s your car!! You ONLY need one small single copy of the insurance, one small single copy of the registration, and one small paper that shows your roadside assistance.  (It’s easier to show the police than give them all of your papers and ask him which paper they need!)  Keep all other car documents in a safe place at home.  Please, please share this with your Japanese friends!!!!  Thank you!!!
