Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 寒い天候時の車 : Cars in Cold Weather

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom

winter carWhen it starts getting cold, there are some things about your car that you should keep an eye on. You might know what to do in Japan, but here are some hints for living in America.

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Cool America: 人気の絵画クラス – Popular Painting Class

CATEGORIES:  Cool America

painting with a twist 012Painting with a Twist is a recently popular pastime in America. You can go to a one-time painting class and bring drinks and snacks to enjoy during the class. (That is the meaning of “with a twist”!!) There are similar names for it, but offers locations around America. So what do you do?

ペインティング ウィズ エ ツイストはアメリカで最近人気の娯楽です。1回だけの絵画教室に参加でき、飲み物やスナックを持ち込んで、楽しむことができます。(だから”ウィズ エ ツイスト”なんですね)他にもよく似た名前の教室があるのですが、こちらwww.paintingwithatwist.comでは、アメリカ国内のロケーションを案内しています。さぁ、あなたはどうしますか?

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Mom’s Apron Strings: 長期欠席や帰国時 – School Communication for Long Absense or Leaving

CATEGORIES:  Mom's Apron Strings

School OfficeWe are getting close to the holiday season, when some families will visit Japan for New Year’s. I have many friends also planning to move back to Japan in the winter season. Here is what you should say to your child’s American school, both for a long absence and for finishing. (These are both excerpts from my Book 3, Hajimete no America: Daily Life with Children, coming out in January.)

ホリデーシーズンが近づいてきましたね。新年をお祝いするために、日本に帰国されるご家族もいるでしょう。私の友人もこの冬に本帰国を予定しています。長期に欠席する場合や退学する場合、子供の学校にどう伝えたらいいかをご案内します。(はじめてのアメリカ、ブック3:子共との日常生活((来年1月発売))より引用)  … Read more

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Coffee Beans of Wisdom – フルー(インフルエンザ): Flu

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom, Mom's Apron Strings

Screen-Shot-2013-01-07-at-3_36_39-PMThe flu season is here. Husbands can get their flu shot at work and children can get it at their pediatrician or at a local health center. (Moms kind of get forgotten, or maybe we can get a quick shot at the local drug store for $25!)
Especially for children over 2 or anyone who hates shots, you might want to know about the flu mist.


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Kuri Cafe Kitchen – アップルサイダー パウダー : Apple Cider Powder

CATEGORIES:  Kuri Cafe Kitchen

Apple CiderApple-picking, donuts and cider season is about over. (Sad for the taste, good for the waist….) However, you can still enjoy apple cider at home. I’m sure that there are recipes for making it from scratch, but it’s also convenient to have a powder mix to enjoy it when you don’t feel like bustling about the kitchen. I’ll tell you my favorite one.

りんご狩りやドーナッツ、サイダーの季節はもうそろそろ終わりですね。(味は恋しくなりますが、ウエストには優しいですね)しかし、まだアップルサイダーを自宅で楽しめるんですよ。手作りのレシピはあると思うのですが、キッチンでバタバタしたくない時は、パウダーミックスを利用すると便利ですね。私のお気に入りをご紹介します。  … Read more

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Kuri-chan English – Why or Why Not?

CATEGORIES:  Kuri-chan English, 最新情報

“Nande?” is pretty easy to say in English: “Why?”
However, sometimes it will be better to say, “Why not?”
しかし、時によっては“Why not?”と言った方がいい場合があります。

If the sentence is positive, you can use “why.”  A few examples:

  • I like to watch horror movies.                         Why?
  • ホラー映画を見るのが好きなの。   なぜ?
  • I spend all of my money on watches.          Why?
  • 時計に全財産を費やしてるの。    なぜ?

However, if the sentence is negative, you should say “why not.”  A few examples:
しかし、否定文の時には“why not.”を使います。例文として: … Read more

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Cool America – 通風口ディフレクター: Vent Air Deflectors

CATEGORIES:  Coffee Beans of Wisdom, Cool America, 最新情報

Vent Air DeflectorVent Air Deflectors, Covers and Filters – You Probably Need Them!!!
通風口ディフレクター、カバー、そしてフィルター きっと全部必要でしょう!!!

Here is something that you probably have been thinking that you want for your house or apartment. Many homes in America have central heating and cooling, with the air coming through registers in the floor or on the wall. Sometimes the register is right below a window or in a strange spot or just where you want to put a desk. Here is a cheap solution that will help control the direction of the air.
自宅やアパートで使う、あったらいいなと思うアイテムをここで紹介します。アメリカにあるほとんどの家には、セントラルヒーティング&クーリングシステムがあり、床や壁にある通風口から空気が出てきます。時には、通風口の位置が窓に向かって吹くようになっていたり、変な場所にあったり、机を置きたい場所にあったりします。空気の流れる方向をコントロールできる安い解決方法はこちらです。 … Read more

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Mom’s Apron Strings – ハロウィンのヒント : Halloween Tips

CATEGORIES:  Mom's Apron Strings



It’s October! It’s Halloween! Even in Japan, Halloween activities are starting to become more and more popular. Here in America, there are a few things to know about trick-or-treating, including costumes, trick-or-treating safety, different activities and leftover candy.

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Kuri Cafe Kitchen – スイートポテトとマシュマロ – Sweet Potatoes and Marshmallows

CATEGORIES:  Kuri Cafe Kitchen

Sweet Potatoes n MarshmallowsThere are many interesting Thanksgiving recipes here in America, both traditional and contemporary.  I prefer traditional, and a dish that I make every year is Sweet Potatoes and Marshmallows.   Even if the turkey and cranberry sauce is difficult for Japanese to eat, the sweet potatoes are always a hit! It’s sweet enough to be served as dessert, but it is eaten during the dinner time.

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Kuri-chan English – “I know!”

CATEGORIES:  Kuri-chan English

If you have been living in America for a while, you have heard the reply, “I know.”   Probably, you can mostly use it as an answer, “Yes, I know it,” to a question that asks if you know or understand something or not.
もしアメリカにしばらくの間住んでいる人なら“I know,”と返事をしているのを聞いた事があるでしょう。ほとんどの場合は、何かを知っている、もしくは理解しているかどうか尋ねる質問の答えとして“Yes, I know it,”を使います。

However, we often use it to agree or sympathize with what somebody says. Maybe a mom says, “I hate driving all over for my children’s classes and sports!” and you say, “I know!!” to show that you share her feelings. It’s like, “So da ne!” in Japanese.   Here are other examples: “This weather is crazy!” “I know!” – “When is construction going to end? It’s so frustrating!” “I know!” – “Wow, this is expensive!” “I know!”
しかし一方で私たちは、誰かが言ったことに賛成する時や同感する時にもよく使います。ある母親が“子供の習い事やスポーツのために運転ばっかりするのはうんざり!”と言ったら、あなたは“I know.”と返事して、彼女に共感したことを伝えます。日本語の“そうだね”と同じようなものです。他の例として、“天気がおかしいわ!”“そうだね!”—“一体いつになったら工事が終わるの?本当にイライラしちゃう!”“そうだね!”—“えーこれ高いわ!”“そうだね!”

Hint: Be careful that you don’t use it for a situation that you just learned something. For “So-ka” or “naru-hodo” you should say, “I see,” and not “I know.” I sometimes hear that mistake.
ヒント:初めて知った状況の時には使わないので気をつけてくださいね。“そうか”や“なるほど”は“I know.”ではなく“I see,”を使います。時々間違っているのを聞きます。