Cool America: 人気の絵画クラス – Popular Painting Class

Cool America

painting with a twist 012Painting with a Twist is a recently popular pastime in America. You can go to a one-time painting class and bring drinks and snacks to enjoy during the class. (That is the meaning of “with a twist”!!) There are similar names for it, but offers locations around America. So what do you do?

ペインティング ウィズ エ ツイストはアメリカで最近人気の娯楽です。1回だけの絵画教室に参加でき、飲み物やスナックを持ち込んで、楽しむことができます。(だから”ウィズ エ ツイスト”なんですね)他にもよく似た名前の教室があるのですが、こちらwww.paintingwithatwist.comでは、アメリカ国内のロケーションを案内しています。さぁ、あなたはどうしますか?

Private parties are available, but usually you would reserve just the number of people in your group for an open class. There might be 20-40 students in one class, with a teacher in front on a stage. The paints, brushes and canvases are prepared before each class by the workers. Then one teacher directs the students how to paint the selected picture.


The pictures take 2-3 hours to paint, and cost around $25-45. It depends on which class you signed up for. You can see the picture schedule on the website and you can choose which one you want to join. This picture is the one I did in a 2 hour class with a group of friends. Everyone does it a little differently, so every picture is unique. Just be sure, as the teacher warns you at the beginning of class, don’t put your paintbrush in your wine glass!!!
