Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 自宅と庭の修理 : Fixing Up the House and Yard

Coffee Beans of Wisdom

treeSpring is here and things need to be fixed! But be careful! Here’s a story and then advice. One year, the husband of one of my students decided to trim a tree branch on their rental property. He went up a LADDER, by HIMSELF (no one holding the ladder), with a CHAINSAW, near a WIRE. Yes, it was bad.

He lost his balance when the branch broke, and although was able to throw the chainsaw clear, he broke one foot and twisted the other. (Luckily he didn’t hit the wire.)

Lesson #1: Keep a camera handy if your husband does this so that you can win money on America’s Funniest Video.
レッスン#1:もしあなたのご主人が同じようなことをするなら、カメラを用意しておきましょう。America’s Funniest Videoで賞金がもらえるかもしれません。

Lesson #2:   Let the professionals do the semi-dangerous work, most anything that involves a ladder, electricity or plumbing (gutters, bee nests, roof, sprinklers, etc.). You can look easily online ( and try to choose a company that has a good website, positive recommendations, insurance, and BBB (Better Business Bureau) affiliation. If you’re still not sure, ask your neighbors or join to find the best recommendations.
レッスン#2:はしごを使用するような修理や電気系統の修理、もしくは配管工事(屋根の樋、蜂の巣、木の根の処理、スプリンクラーなど)の少し危険な仕事は業者に任せましょ。オンライン(で簡単に検索できます。しっかりとしたウェブサイトのある業者で、オススメされていて保険とBBB (Better Business Bureau) に加盟している会社を選ぶようにしましょう。それでもまだ分からない時は、ご近所さんに尋ねてみたり、www.angieslist.comに登録して、一番オススメされている業者を見つけましょう。