In America, “How are you?” is sometimes just another way to say, “Hello.” Two people passing each can say, “How are you?” to each other without an answer.
アメリカでは”How are you?” (お元気ですか?)を時々”Hello.” (こんにちは)という意味で使います。ある二人の人がすれ違う時に、”How are you?” とお互い言い合って、返事はしないんです。
If you say an answer, it probably will not be, “I’m fine, thank you. How are you?” as is taught in Japan. To a neighbor or someone you know, you can say, “Good, you?” To a cashier you can say, “Good, thanks.” To finish the greeting, you can say, “See you later,” or “Have a good day.” (Hint: In America, we only say, “Bye-bye” when talking to children. Adults don’t use it. We say “B-bye” or “Bye!”)
もし返事をするならば、”I’m fine, thank you. How are you?” (ありがとう、元気ですよ。そちらはお元気ですか?)とはいきませんね。隣人や知り合いには”Good, you?” (元気です。あなたは?)と言い、 レジ係には”Good, thanks.”(元気です。ありがとう)と言います。挨拶を終える時には”See you later,” (またね)or “Have a good day.” (良い1日を過ごして下さい) と言います。(ヒント:アメリカでは、バイバイは子供同士でしか使わず、大人は言いません。大人はババイかバイを使います。)