As in Japan, many towns boast annual festivals that local residents and visitors can enjoy. In America, these festivals might promote a theme, item or food that is well-known in that area, for example cherries, tulips, jazz, etc. Here are some tips on how to find and enjoy them.
There are a variety of activities that can be had at local festivals, including local bands, magicians, competitions, specialty foods, cook-offs, parades, hay rides, kids’ crafts, small carnivals, car shows, dances, floats, fireworks, and much, much more. Each town provides its own style, so definitely plan to visit more than one if you have the chance.
People in small towns tend to talk more to each other, so prepare some questions to ask the locals at the festival! “What do you recommend to eat/do/see?” “Why does this town have a festival of lilacs/shrimps/scarecrows?” “How many years has this festival been running?” “How long have you been part of this festival?” “What is your favorite part of this festival?” Some exclamations that you can use to make the festival participants smile are, “This tastes great!” “That was a great ride/show/parade!” “What a great quilt/car/bouquet!” “This is my first time trying it – I love it!”
小さな町の人々は、沢山おしゃべりをする傾向にあるので、お祭りの時に地元の人と話す際の質問などを考えておきましょう!『何の食べ物がオススメですか?/何かオススメな事/見どころ/はありますか?』『なぜこの町はライラック/エビ/かかしのお祭りがあるんですか?』『このお祭りは何年続いているんですか?』『このお祭りに携わって何年になりますか?』『このお祭りであなたの好きな部分はどこですか?』 お祭りの関係者を笑顔にさせる言葉はこちらです。『とても美味しいです!』『とてもすごい乗り物/ショー/パレードでした!』『素晴らしいキルト/車/ブーケですね!』『初めてやりました(挑戦しました)−いいですね!』
Here are some links that show some popular festivals, but wherever you live, just google ‘festivals near me’ or ‘(your state) festivals’ and see what might interest you. Enjoy!
こちらが人気のあるフェスティバルのリンクですが、‘festivals near me’ や ‘(住んでいる州名) festivals’と検索して、面白そうなお祭りを探してみましょう。Enjoy!