Kuri-chan English : 新しい先生と生徒達に会う – Meeting New Teachers and Other Students
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English, Mom's Apron Strings
Last year I wrote a blog on what to say when you meet your child’s new teacher, which you can read here. However, what is good to say when you are meeting your own teacher or classmates, maybe for an ESL or baking or art class. Here are some convenient phrases to use for introductions and initial small talk.
去年、お子さんの新しい担任の先生に会った時に、どんなことを話したらいいかをブログでご紹介しました。こちらをご覧ください。しかし、ESLやベーキングクラス、アートクラスなどであなたが初めて先生やクラスメートに会った時に何と言えばいいのでしょうか。自己紹介や初めて会った時にするちょっとした会話で使える便利なフレーズをご紹介します。 … Read more
Kuri Cafe English – 簡単で柔らかな英語での返事 : Easy and Softer English Response
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
Sometimes when I talk with Japanese people in English, I am a little surprised when they directly say, “no” or “bad.” Even in Japanese, we often make our negative statements softer, and it’s the same in English. Here are two options for how to say a softer negative response in English.
時々、日本の人たちと英語で話していると、ダイレクトに“no” や“bad ”と言うので少しびっくりさせられます。日本語でもネガティブな事を言う時は柔らかくしますし、それは英語でも同じです。こちらが英語で柔らなくネガティブな返事をする時の2つの例です。
Kuri-chan English – 小遣い : Spending Money
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
There are a few different ways to talk about spending money. There is allowance, spending money and pocket money. Which one to use?!! Here are the differences between them.
お小遣いについて話す場合、幾つかの違う言い方があります。Allowance, spending moneyそしてpocket moneyです。どれを使えばいいのでしょう?こちらが違いになります。
Kuri-chan English – 新年の抱負 : New Year’s Resolutions
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
“What’s your new year’s resolution?” Many people ask each other that question in the beginning of January. It means, what is your goal for the new year? Some people don’t like to think about making any, but I think it helps start off the new year well.
“What’s your new year’s resolution?”1月の始めにお互いに尋ねる合う質問です。これは“新年の抱負は何ですか?”という意味です。人によっては考えたくない方もいますが、抱負を持つことによって、新年を新しい気持ちで迎えることができると私は思います。
You can reply,…
Kuri-chan English – Why or Why Not?
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English, 最新情報
“Nande?” is pretty easy to say in English: “Why?”
However, sometimes it will be better to say, “Why not?”
しかし、時によっては“Why not?”と言った方がいい場合があります。
If the sentence is positive, you can use “why.” A few examples:
- I like to watch horror movies. Why?
- ホラー映画を見るのが好きなの。 なぜ?
- I spend all of my money on watches. Why?
- 時計に全財産を費やしてるの。 なぜ?
However, if the sentence is negative, you should say “why not.” A few examples:
しかし、否定文の時には“why not.”を使います。例文として: … Read more
Kuri-chan English – “I know!”
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
If you have been living in America for a while, you have heard the reply, “I know.” Probably, you can mostly use it as an answer, “Yes, I know it,” to a question that asks if you know or understand something or not.
もしアメリカにしばらくの間住んでいる人なら“I know,”と返事をしているのを聞いた事があるでしょう。ほとんどの場合は、何かを知っている、もしくは理解しているかどうか尋ねる質問の答えとして“Yes, I know it,”を使います。
However, we often use it to agree or sympathize with what somebody says. Maybe a mom says, “I hate driving all over for my children’s classes and sports!” and you say, “I know!!” to show that you share her feelings. It’s like, “So da ne!” in Japanese. Here are other examples: “This weather is crazy!” “I know!” – “When is construction going to end? It’s so frustrating!” “I know!” – “Wow, this is expensive!” “I know!”
しかし一方で私たちは、誰かが言ったことに賛成する時や同感する時にもよく使います。ある母親が“子供の習い事やスポーツのために運転ばっかりするのはうんざり!”と言ったら、あなたは“I know.”と返事して、彼女に共感したことを伝えます。日本語の“そうだね”と同じようなものです。他の例として、“天気がおかしいわ!”“そうだね!”—“一体いつになったら工事が終わるの?本当にイライラしちゃう!”“そうだね!”—“えーこれ高いわ!”“そうだね!”
Hint: Be careful that you don’t use it for a situation that you just learned something. For “So-ka” or “naru-hodo” you should say, “I see,” and not “I know.” I sometimes hear that mistake.
ヒント:初めて知った状況の時には使わないので気をつけてくださいね。“そうか”や“なるほど”は“I know.”ではなく“I see,”を使います。時々間違っているのを聞きます。
Kuri-chan English: 効果的な英語の学び方 – How to learn English Effectively
CATEGORIES: Coffee Beans of Wisdom, Kuri-chan English
There are many, many methods in learning a foreign language. You can learn in a class, with TV or videos, with learning CDs, in real life with working, volunteering, etc., and more. There are also many ways that people learn. Some people learn best through reading and writing, others learn best through speaking and listening. The best way to learn English is to not only think about your own learning style, but to use different methods to have a healthy, strong learning experience. It’s the same as exercise – it’s best to have 2 or 3 different sports or training styles to have maximum effectiveness.
Kuri-chan English: Awesome! アッサム!
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English, Mom's Apron Strings
Here is a popular English word that you will most likely not learn in Japan: Awesome. (ah-sum) It basically means, ‘great, cool, wonderful’ and we use it for cheering on sports, talking about a wonderful experience, commenting on a friend’s experience, etc.
日本では習わないよく使う英単語として:Awesome (アッサム)があります。基本的に“すごい、かっこいい、素晴らしい”と言う意味で使いスポーツ観戦や友人の素晴らしい経験に対してのコメントなどに使います。
Some phrases include, “That’s awesome!” “What an awesome day!” (wa-dan ah-sum day) “How awesome is that?!” (hau-ah-sum i-zat) “Wow, you’re awesome!” (Wow, yu-rah-sum) It’s mostly used in a casual situation, not formal. I often use it with kids or friends or with other parents during sports games and school events.
Kuri-chan English – 発音 の 練習: What are you…
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
As you maybe noticed after moving to America, English pronunciation is different here than what you studied in Japan. Let’s talk about “What are you (doing)?” We might say, “Wadayu” or “Wadaya” or “Wa-chu” or “Wa-chya” when we say it. For “What is he (doing)?” we use “Watsee” or “Wa-see”. For “What is she (doing)?” we often say “Wa-she.”
アメリカに引っ越してきてから、日本で勉強していた発音と現地の発音が違うことに気付くかもしれませんね。それでは“What are you (doing)?”についてお話ししましょう。私たちは“Wadayu” ・“Wadaya” ・ “Wa-chu” ・“Wa-chya” と言います。“What is he (doing)?” の場合は、“Watsee” ・“Wa-see”と言います。また“What is she (doing)?” については、“Wa-she.”とたまに言います。 … Read more
Kuri-Chan English – 挨拶 Saying “Hello” and “Goodbye”
CATEGORIES: Kuri-chan English
In America, “How are you?” is sometimes just another way to say, “Hello.” Two people passing each can say, “How are you?” to each other without an answer.
アメリカでは”How are you?” (お元気ですか?)を時々”Hello.” (こんにちは)という意味で使います。ある二人の人がすれ違う時に、”How are you?” とお互い言い合って、返事はしないんです。
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