
Membership and Pricing


Member questions and service requests are made by e-mail, and response to the request may include e-mail, phone, Skype, and/or any other means necessary for the Member, until the question is answered or the situation resolved.


At the discretion of JFS USA, questions or requests may be combined to count as one full request (e.g. if some small requests have been included on one e-mail, or if one topic includes several requests) Requests that have the possibility to incur fees will be discussed with the member.

JFS USAの判断により、質問や依頼は組み合わせて1つの依頼としてカウントする場合があります。(例えば、1通のeメールに複数の解決が容易な依頼が入っている場合や、1つの依頼を解決するに複数の手配が必要とされる場合など)

JFS USA makes every effort to reply to questions and requests the same day as received. If not possible, we will respond within 24 hours.

JFS USAは、依頼を受け取ったその日のうちに返信できるよう努めて参りますが、難しい場合でも24時間以内には必ずご返信をいたします。

Membership Pricing: Silver Level at $25/month provides up to 3 requests of service a month. Gold Level at $50/month provides up to 15 requests of service a month. Group pricing through company accounts are considered separately.

メンバーシップ料金:シルバー会員25ドル/月・毎月3回までの依頼。ゴールド会員:$50/月・毎月15回までの依頼。 法人口座を利用されての団体料金は別途考慮します。

Any services not used at the end of any given month may carry over to the next month. Any given month’s unused services may not be carried over for more than one month. If a member exceeds the number of requests for the month, there will be an option of $30 per request, or an upgrade to the next level.


A Member may not use their membership to request services for individuals not included in their membership. However, if a Member will return to Japan or no longer needs the services of JFS USA, they may transfer their membership to another individual, provided that all transfer documents are completed.

メンバーは会員でない個人のために当社のサービスを利用する事を禁じますが、メンバーの帰国などによりJFS USAのサービスが必要なくなった場合、会員権は他人に譲与できます。譲与される際は書類などが必要となります。

For services requested by non-members, there is a minimum charge of $30 per request (or $30 an hour if the time to assist with the request exceeds 60 minutes), with $30 being the minimum charge. If the non-member decides to become a member, the payment towards services may be applied to a membership price as long as the decision is made within 14 days of payment of the non-member services.




Pre-pay memberships may be purchased online with all major credit/debit cards. Any billed invoices are due within thirty days, after which time a late fee may apply. Members wishing to pay by installments must do so by monthly draft, or direct debit. Bank information must be supplied at the time of commencement of membership. A monthly draft Membership is continuous until canceled in writing and acknowledged.


Services requests made by non-members or by members who have already exceeded their monthly maximum will be billed according to the services rendered, and must pay by the due date on the invoice, either by check, money order or credit card.


Outstanding balances beyond the due date will incur late fees at $15 a month until such time as the balance is paid in full. After two months of non-payment, membership shall be cancelled pending payment of the membership fee.


If there is an unexpected cost in a service, the Member will be notified of the cost before the cost is incurred by the company and the Member will have a choice to accept the cost or not.


Cancellation, Change and Refund Policy


Both the company and the member have the right to cancel or change any membership for any reason. Minimum 30 days’ notice of cancellation or change of membership is required for monthly draft payment.


There is no refund for pre-payment membership, but membership may be transferred to another client. Notification of cancellation or transfer (for instance, in person, via email, mobile phone ‘text message’ and/or fax, or any other means) will be accepted subject to confirmation in writing.


Requests for service may not be cancelled if there has already been time and cost applied to that request. Once a request for service has been made and service has been started, it will count toward the maximum number of requests for that month for that member.
