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Starting a Membership


Can I become a member if I don’t live in the USA?

You can if you want, but there is no need unless you want to use it for English study or help via email. There would be no bank draft option, just pre-pay by credit card. There would also not be phone service available.


What are the benefits of being a member?

You can e-mail at any time with any question related to living in the USA. We make every effort to respond the same day you e-mail, and we follow up by e-mail, phone or skype until the question is answered or problem is resolved.

The number of requests you can receive in a month depends on the level of membership you purchase. You also receive free JFS USA products when you become a member. Please see Membership Guidelines above for more information.

いつでもアメリカの日常生活に関する質問をメールで問い合わせできます。その日のうちに返事を返し、eメールや電話、スカイプにてご質問内容が解決されるまで、または問題が解決されるまでお世話させて頂きます。毎月の依頼数は、購入されたメンバーシップのタイプによって違ってきます。メンバーに登録されますとJFS USAの商品が無料でもらえます。

If I start my membership in the middle of the month, does this mean I miss out on the first several days or weeks of my subscription?

Your membership starts on the day that you pay for it or sign up for it, your choice.


Do you accept credit cards and personal checks?

We accept all major credit cards on our website. We accept personal checks for invoices or company checks with prior arrangement.


Do you charge sales tax?

We charge sales tax on products only, not membership.


Can I purchase membership for my friend?

Yes, you can. Please contact us if you would like to do so.


Changing a Membership


How do I upgrade my membership?

You can upgrade your membership by e-mailing JFS USA at information@jfsusa.com. We will adjust your monthly bank draft or provide you with an invoice to pay by credit card, check or money order.

アップグレードをご希望の際はeメールにてJFS USA のこちらの宛先までご連絡下さい。information@jfsusa.com.

Do I have to wait until my membership expires before I upgrade?

You can upgrade at any time. If you are on a bank draft, we will start the upgrade in the next billing cycle.


What happens if I purchase an individual membership, but afterwards my company purchases a group membership?

We will refund your unused portion of your membership if your company has included you in their group membership.


Can non-member become a member during the first request?

Yes, if the non-member decides to become a member, the payment towards services may be applied to a membership price as long as the decision is made within 14 days of payment of the non-member services.


I forgot to renew my membership, but now I have another request. What can I do?

You can choose non-member pricing, or just purchase another membership online.


I’m going back to Japan for the summer for over a month. Can I put a hold on my membership?

Please consider this carefully. Many problems arise while on vacation, so I recommend not putting it on hold, especially if any family members are still here. However, yes, we can put a membership on hold according to the needs of the member.


My pre-pay membership ends soon, but I still want to have a membership for a little longer before I go back to Japan. What should I do?

If it’s about 3 more months before you go back to Japan, you can conveniently purchase a 3-month membership online. If it’s only a few weeks or a month or two, please contact us to set up a personal plan.


Membership Requests


Can I combine requests if they are small, for example, can I have more than one question in my e-mail?
簡単な依頼を組み合わせることはできますか? 例えば、1通eメールに1つ以上の質問を書くなど。

JFS USA is interested first in helping families. If some small requests have been included on one e-mail, or if one topic includes several requests, then they will most likely be considered as one request. Upon discussion with the member, final decisions are made by JFS USA.

JFS USAは皆様へのお手伝いを第一に考えております。1通のeメールに複数の解決が容易な依頼が入っている場合や、1つの依頼を解決するに複数の手配が必要とされる場合、たいていの場合は1回の依頼として考慮しますが、お客様とのご相談の上、最終的にはJFS USAが判断いたします。

I have a new request that is connected to another request I had before. Does it count as a new request?

If it’s just a short follow-up, or if the initial request was relatively simple, then it wouldn’t be counted as a new request. However, if the new request required new action or considerable effort on behalf of JFS USA, then it would be counted as a new request. The final decision is at the discretion of JFS USA.

もしそれが短時間のフォローアップだったり、最初の依頼に単純に関係していたりしたら、新規の依頼としてカウントしません。新しい手配が必要になった場合や、JFS USAが代理として尽力する場合は新規の依頼となります。JFS USAが最終的な判断をいたします。

What happens if I have more requests in one month than my membership allows?

First of all, any unused requests in the previous month can be used in the present month. If the member still has requests over that limit, they may choose to upgrade their membership, or use non-membership request pricing, which is $30/hour. The member would be billed for the extra services.


What should I do if I need assistance at a store or another location? Can I request someone to go with me?

At the moment, JFS USA only can provide on-site interpretation services in Metro Detroit, MI. However, JFS USA is very experienced in providing letters of explanation and phone support for when help is needed in a particular location. We can also help find local translators who could offer on-site services.

今の時点で、JFS USAはミシガン州、デトロイト近郊での通訳サービスしか行っておりません。しかしJFS USAは各地でヘプルが必要になった場合、手紙での説明や電話でのサポートなど豊富な経験があります。また当社は、現地での通訳者を見つけるお手伝いをいたします。

Cancelling a Membership


How do I cancel my membership?

You can e-mail membership@jfsusa.com to cancel your monthly-draft membership.

JFS USAは譲与する人をご紹介できるかもしれません。もしくはメンバーシップは英語の勉強のためにご活用ください。


What happens if I want to cancel my membership?

If you have a monthly bank draft set up, you can cancel from the following billing cycle. If you pre-paid for a membership, there is no refund available, but you are allowed to transfer it to another individual. You would arrange payment on your own with that individual.


What happens if I can’t find anyone to transfer my membership to?

JFS USA may be able to help you find someone, or you can just continue to use it for English study.

JFS USAは譲与する人をご紹介できるかもしれません。もしくはメンバーシップは英語の勉強のためにご活用ください。