Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 芝生の管理とトラブルシューティング : Lawn Maintenance and Trouble Shooting

Coffee Beans of Wisdom

One of the biggest challenges that Japanese families have when coming to America and renting a house is the lawn. (Yard is the area around your house: Lawn indicates the grassy part.) How often should I mow (cut) it? How far back should I mow? Should I water it? How often? What should I do about the dandelions? Here are some hints about what to do, and how to contact your house owner and/or lawn services.

日本人家族がアメリカに来て家を借かりる際に一番大変な事の一つが芝生です。(Yardは家の周りのエリア:Lawnは草が生えている部分を指します)どれくらいの頻度で芝刈りをするの? どれくらい後ろまで刈ればいいの? 水やりは必要? 何日間隔で? タンポポはどうしたらいいの? 何をどうすればいいのか、大家さんや芝生の業者への連絡方法についてのヒントはこちらです。

If you live in a subdivision, there will be rules about your lawn. You should try to keep it cut, green and weed-free. (If not, just try and keep it cut.)

If you are mowing the lawn by yourself with a push mower or riding mower, cut it at a high level to keep the grass healthy. You should cut it about 2-4 times a month, depending on the grass growth. If you have an automatic watering system, you should water a few times a week for about 20 minutes each section rather than every day for 10 minutes. This will help the water to go deeper and be more effective. (Some cities have watering restrictions – check your city’s webpage.)

If you are using a lawn service, but they don’t come, you need to ask your owner, “Hi. I just wanted to tell you that the lawn service company hasn’t come recently. The grass is very long. What should we do?”

If your owner is out of the country (it happens sometimes), you have two options:

  1. Ask a lawn company who is doing your neighbors lawn: “Hi! We are having lawn trouble. Could you mow our lawn today? How much is it?” (You should expect to pay $15-$25.)

近所の芝刈りをしている芝生業者に尋ねてみましょう:“こんにちは。芝生で困っています。今日、我が家の芝生を刈ってもらえませんか? お値段はいくらでしょう?”($15−$25ぐらいを見積もっておきましょう)

  1. Google ‘lawn service company’ and city name, and choose a company that has an online request form. (It’s easier than phone!) Someone will come to your house or e-mail you.

‘lawn service company’と市名で検索し、オンラインでリクエストフォームを送れる業者を選びましょう。(電話をするより簡単です!)関係者が家に訪ねて来るか、Eメールで返事が来ます。

If you have too many weeds or dandelions, you should ask your house owner, “Hi. We have too many weeds and dandelions. What should we do?” They might spray it themselves or pay for a company to do it. Or you can do it – just go to Home Depot or Lowes and look for a Weed Spray or Lawn Feed.
雑草やタンポポがいっぱい生えている場合、大家さんに尋ねましょう“こんにちは。雑草やタンポポがいっぱい生えています。どうすればいいですか?”大家さんが除草剤を撒いてくれるか、業者に頼むでしょう。もしくは、自分でやってもいいですね−ホームデポやローズへ行き、Weed SprayやLawn Feedを探しましょう。

If you still have a question or problem, feel free to ask me at or message me on Facebook Otherwise, enjoy your beautiful lawn!
何か他に質問や問題があるようなら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。 もしくは, Facebookにメッセージをください。 綺麗な芝生を楽しんでくださいね!