Cool America – 中世の時代 : Medieval Times

Cool America

Medieval-Times-Dinner-TournamentRecently it was recommended to me that my family and I visit the Medieval Times castle on our recent visit to Chicago. Basically, it’s a dinner and show with an old-Europe theme. We were surprised by how much we enjoyed it all. The show…

was a story and tournament with horses, knights and fighting, all while we ate. The knights were actually pretty good and provided a wonderful show. The dinner was excellent (no silverware, of course, medieval-style) and they even offered vegetarian and gluten-free options.   There are locations around the United States that you can visit. You can find more information (and coupons) on Enjoy!
物語と馬、騎士のトーナメントと戦いがあり、その間に食事ができます。騎士達はとても良くて、素敵なショーでした。夕食も素晴らしく、(ナイフやフォークは無く、もちろん中世のスタイルなので)しかも、ベジタリアンかグルテンなしの食事の選択がありました。アメリカ国内にいくつか施設があります。詳しい情報はこちらです(クーポンも) 楽しんでくださいね!