Back-to-School Shopping!!! 新学期の準備の買い物!!
As you know, school starts in August or September in America. (August is for year-round schedule schools, September is for traditional schedule schools.) However, back-to-school shopping starts in June or July, not long after school ends. It seems that the school supply list that families need to prepare gets longer and longer every year. Most schools send home the list during the summer. It’s tricky for shopping –
– if you go too early, it’s too expensive; if you go too late, many supplies are sold out. As soon as you see the ultra-cheap sales in the store ads, you should go. I have the most luck with Walmart, but Staples and Target are also okay.
– 早い時期に行ってしまうと品物が高額だし、遅れて行ってしまうとほとんどの物が売り切れてしまっています。もし超特価の広告を見つけたら、ぜひ行きましょう。私はウォルマートが良いと思いますが、ステープルやターケットもいいです。
If your school gives you the list too late and you can’t find some color folders, e-mail your teacher to see if a different color is okay. One time we used color construction paper and taped it onto the notebook cover! The most confusing item on the school lists is the Composition Notebooks. They are a medium-sized bound notebook (lined paper) with a marble black front pattern, and usually says, “Composition” on the front.
Happy shopping!