Coffee Beans of Wisdom – 外国に住む時のストレス Foreign-Living Stress
CATEGORIES: Coffee Beans of Wisdom
When you live in a foreign country, you may choose to live a life where you mostly use your own language and have friends from your own country. That’s fine, because you need to make sure that you are comfortable living in the foreign country.
However, you may choose to step out and try to use your foreign language skills and make friends with those who speak that language. That’s very commendable! Just remember that it takes work and you might get tired or have a bad day or a negative experience.
けれども一歩踏み出して外国語を使い、その言葉を話すお友達を作ってみることもできます。とても素晴らしい事ですね! ただそれは大変な事なので疲れてしまったり、嫌な日があったり、悪い経験になったりするかもしれない事を覚えておいて下さい。 … Read more