Cool America – アメリカンピクチャーブック : American Picture Book
CATEGORIES: Cool America
Here is a great souvenir book that has full-page pictures of interesting tourist places in America. It is called Roadside Americana and is written by Eric Peterson. This book is actually a coffee table book, so there is less writing and more pictures.
There are many interesting, crazy and unique roadside attractions in America listed in this book that you can enjoy finding on a road trip, or just enjoy by looking at the pictures. For example, there’s a 40-foot turtle made of tire rims, a palace made of corn, an inn made of train cabooses, the huge Longaberger basket, and many other larger-than-life statues and sculptures.
この本には、沢山のロードサイドにある面白い物、クレイジーな物、ユニークな物が載っているので、車での旅行の時にそれを探して楽しんでみたり、写真を見て楽しんだりすることができます。例えば、タイヤのへりを使って作った40フィートの亀やとうもろこしで作った城、電車の最後尾で作った宿、巨大なロンガーバーガーのバスケット、そして実物よりも大きい像や彫刻作品などがあります。 … Read more